This most recent storm had been projected to be a heavy bout of rain up until about two or three days out, when the computer models all began to converge upon a significant snow event. Even then, many remained doubtful we'd be hit hard (a sentiment which carried over into the actual storm even as it slammed areas to the immediate west). Local schools made the right call and cancelled the day before, when we'd only had a dusting of precipitation. Unfortunately, the Office of Personnel Management for the feds decided only to dismiss two hours early--putting tens of thousands of federal employees and contractors on the roads right as the storm arrived.
As I left the office, it was raining, but by the time I got out of the parking garage, the precipitation had changed over to sleet. When I got to Fairfax Circle--about halfway home along my commute--we'd already gotten over an inch of snow. The sheer energy of the storm created thunder and lightning--an eerie, almost frightening event known as "thundersnow" which though fairly rare I've now experienced three times in the past year. Visibility fell to a couple dozen feet, and even jam-packed with an early rush hour's traffic, the roads quickly accumulated several inches of snow. The last mile or so of my commute was a nightmare, thanks to the elements and drivers who had no business being on the roads: folks with no headlights on (!); people who drove in the middle of the road even with oncoming traffic; cars like the Mitsubishi Eclipse I saw spinning out trying to make it up a fairly gentle hill or even the SUVs whose owners seemed to think 4WD gave them license to drive like fools; and, worst of all, those bad drivers who made things worse by abandoning their cars in the middle of the highway. During the hour and a half it took me to go seven miles--and in that I was lucky; some folks had 10-13 hour commutes in what has come to be known as "carmageddon"--we got over three inches of snow. Finally home for the evening, I settled in with Beth and the Pupsters.
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Our oriole feeder after a January ice storm |
Even venturing out into the snow three times during the storm, Beth and I were hard-pressed to protect our plants. We gently brushed and knocked the dense, thick snow from limbs and foliage and hoped for the best. The new American holly out front, along with an English holly that made it through last winter intact, both had been weighed down so badly they risked snapping their trunks in half, and our scraggly, barely-recovered inkberries had been splayed to the ground. Our red-twig dogwoods--species well-adapted to snow, being native well into Canada--for the first time had broken limbs, too. Evergreens of any sort had been crushed by the snow. Worst, every one of our river birches were bent completely to the ground, sustaining several snapped branches.
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"Ms. Kooki, perhaps you're unaware it's snowing and that we want to play outside?" |
Shortly before midnight, the power went out and stayed out. We discovered the next morning that a huge tree had come down near the entrance of our neighborhood, blocking the road and snapping several lines--not to mention a half dozen more minor breaks just in our immediate area. Given the extent of the damage, we'd likely be without power for days--Dominion's Web site (which doesn't work with Chrome, making it impossible to report an outage from my phone) estimated they'd have it back up the next night, but I knew from experience they were being incredibly optimistic. The house had held heat fairly well thanks to all the energy improvements we'd made--after a night of 20-degree temperatures, we were only down to 63 degrees inside from 69 the evening before--but it was only going to get colder.
So Beth and I headed to Costco before they opened on Thursday and lined up outside the entrance along with a dozen or so others--about half of us with flatbed carts and clearly intent upon the same thing: generators. Within five minutes of the doors opening, Costco had sold out! Several customers helped each other load the heavy boxes onto each others' carts, and after picking up a few other necessities, we headed home with our new generator and six gallons of gas to fuel it.
We had to shovel a path and dig out an area where we could run the generator, then assembly took some time out in the cold, snowy yard: I had to put together the generator's frame and wheels, fill its oil reservoir and attach exhaust components, connect the battery, and drive and wire ground stake. By the time I had everything set up, I had to go into the office, as the OPM had not closed the federal government despite the weather and widespread power outages, and the facility I work at was open.
Dominion's estimated time to get our power back up came and went as expected. I unfortunately let Beth talk me out of wiring up the furnace blower motor to the generator, instead using it to power just our fridge, a lamp, and an electric space heater we set up in the living room. We spent the evening playing cards and listening to music on my iPod, then bundled up for a chilly night ahead: a day and a half into the blackout and temperatures inside had fallen to 54 degrees. Multiple blankets, thermal underclothes, and even a true three dog night as all the Pupsters piled onto the futon with us... but it was not a comfortable night, as I had to get up several times to tend to the generator outside.
During the "break in" period for a new engine, you have to change the oil after about five hours of use--and check the oil level repeatedly. And of course, you have to top off the gas so that it doesn't run dry. Each of these operations requires disconnecting the appliances et al being powered, shutting off the generator, then powering it back up and reconnecting things afterwards. I also was hesitant to run the generator basically non-stop for more than seven or eight hours, particularly given how it was brand new.
Friday morning meant another day at the office, a shower by flaslight first, and on the way out of the neighborhood I saw that Dominion had yet to even attempt to move the giant tree which the storm had brought down. Worse, one of our neighbor's trees had dropped a limb onto our power lines, though it hadn't actually snapped them.
I left the office early, came home, and decided enough was enough with the upstairs temperatures down to 50 degrees and the basement pipes likely in danger of freezing up. I finally had time to re-wire the furnace blower to run off of the generator. Though I didn't feel like investing in a $280 transfer switch at Home Depot, I did completely disconnect the furnace from the power mains so I could just plug the furnace into the generator and not worry about overloading the generator or damaging the home's wiring. Some people do that--plugging a generator into an outlet with a double-ended cord may be convenient, but that's a mistake and a fire hazard.
You know, gas heat works really well when you have electricity to blow the hot air around--within hours, the house was back to livable conditions. (This of course ensured Dominion would have the power back on within another five hours or so, about two and a half days of blackout.) After we got back from dinner with some friends, Dominion had finally come and cut away the branches on our lines, too.
I can only hope we're done with winter--Punxsutawney Phil be damned. But we're ready for the next bout of winter if it comes, shiny new generator and all.
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