Friday, March 6, 2009

In Like a Lion? At Least It Feels Like Spring Today!

Everyone knows the old saw about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb; certainly for those of us in the Washington, D.C., area, March came in with quite a roar this year, as a storm dumped around six inches of snow on the near-in suburbs and left in its wake low-teens on the mercury for a day or two.

In a prior post, I discussed the then-apparent departure of the Dark-eyed Juncos from our yard, mentioning it as a possible sign that spring migration was underway.  Well, though spring migration is underway, and spring itself is drawing ever nearer, the season's (perhaps last) gasp of snow brought with it quite a flock of juncos.

I finally got a chance to get a decent photo of one as well.  Though I'd prefer the shadow cast by one of the tree's other branches not be present, and perhaps the snow not be hiding the junco's tail, this is actually a pretty decent junco photo otherwise.  Given how juncos tend to feed on the ground, it's rare to catch one perched like this, too.

We're less than a week later, now, and it's been in the upper 60s and low 70s.  Count me as one of those who is ready for spring and happy to see the winter head out after at last getting a good snow for the season.

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